Please note that the information below includes previous years, does not reflect all expenses in the 23-24 season, and does not categorize exactly as reflected in the SC Financial Statement.

2024-2025 SC State Administrative Committee - Tentative Budget

Apparel  - $16,000
Banquet  - $6,500
Competition Fees  - $30,000
SC Congress  - $3,500
State Meet Awards  - $15,000
State Meet Gifts  - $7,000
Tracking Fees  - $21,500
Training Camps  - $42,000
Total:  - $142,000

Apparel  - $38,500
Awards & Scholarships  - $5,000
Banquet  - $13,500
Gifts  - $2,000
Office  - $800
SC Congress  - $7,000
SC SAC  - $7,500
State Meet Awards  - $24,000
State Meet Gifts  - $15,000
Training Camp  - $20,000
Travel  - $7,500
Website  - $400
Total:  - $141,700

2023-2024 SC State Administrative Committee - Financial Statement

Apparel  - $17,888.41
Banquet  - $5,175
Competition Fees  - $36,830.37
Regional No Show Fee  - $100
SC Congress  - $2,660
State Meet Awards  - $13,567.20
State Meet Gifts  - $6,751.65
Tracking Fees  - $23,274.44
Training Camps  - $43,354.99
Travel  - $375.15
Total:  - $149,977.21

Apparel  - $37,609.55
Awards & Scholarships  - $3,375.37
Banquet  - $12,371.21
Gifts  - $1,188.13
Office  - $716.07
SC Congress  - $6,431.17
SC SAC  - $5,348.50
State Meet Awards  - $23,265
State Meet Gifts  - $13,107.65
State Meet Refund  - $600
State Meet Signage (New Logo)  - $1,686.30
Training Camps  - $29,127.07
Travel  - $9,669.24
Website  - $555.74
Total:  - $145,051
NET PROFIT  - $4,926.21